Dear Members,
The QTOA recently wrote to Racing Queensland with a proposal regarding the reallocation of QTIS funding to assist with ownership in regional Queensland.
In consultation with QTOA committee members from Central and North Queensland, Dianne Ouston and John Horan, we presented a proposal based on research into the rising cost of ownership in regional Queensland and the disparity with prizemoney levels.
The proposal included some important data on the costs associated with racing horses in various areas and recommended ways in which QTIS prizemoney that is not being utilised in some regions could perhaps be better allocated in others.
Racing Queensland CEO Jason Scott thanked the QTOA for the proposal and said the research would be factored into a high level strategic review that is currently being undertaken in several areas, including QTIS.
We thank Racing Queensland for their willingness to work with the QTOA on this topic and we look forward to the review, which will hopefully lead to better outcomes for owners right across the board.
With the Winter Racing carnival coming to an end in Southeast Queensland, it is now North Queensland’s time to shine as the Northern QLD Winter Racing Carnival takes centre stage from July 12.
Thanks to our partners at Ladbrokes, we are again offering QTOA members the chance to win a double pass into the Ladbrokes Sports Bar at Cluden Park on Saturday, July 20.
We thank Ladbrokes for their continuing support of initiatives like this and wish all our owners the best for the North Queensland Carnival.
The Queensland Racing integrity Commission (QRIC) has announced the appointment of new Acting Racing Integrity Commissioner Malcolm Letts following the resignation of former Commissioner Shane Gillard.
The appointment was confirmed in a letter which was sent to industry stakeholder reference group members last week.
Please see below some background on Mr Letts provided in the letter:
“I commenced in the role on Monday 17 June 2024 and will continue until a substantive appointment is made through the external recruitment process that is currently underway.
“I have more than 45 years’ experience working in Government including extensive experience across policy, integrity, compliance and animal welfare matters.
“More recently I held the role of Deputy Director-General and Chief Biosecurity Officer and joint oversaw the Queensland Government’s response to the Martin Inquiry into the management of retired racehorses.”
The QTOA looks forward to working with Mr Letts through the QRIC Stakeholder Reference Group.
Thanks to everyone that has expressed interest about a possible Queensland stud tour to showcase some of the region's first season stallions.
We are currently working with Racing Queensland, the Queensland Thoroughbred Breeders Association, along with relevant stud farms to finalise details for the tour in August.
If anyone is interested in taking part we would love to hear from you so please email